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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I register my child?

A: You can register online during registration dates.

Q: What do I need to get registered?

A: This will be different for each sport.

Tackle Football - Sports Physical, Birth Certificate, and Report card (this is used only for proof of grade level for FYFL).

Flag Football - Birth Certificate and signed copies of all waivers

Cheer - Registration forms.

Q: When is registration?

A: Registration opens for Tackle Football and Cheer in April and goes through June. Tigerball registration opens in February and will close in March. Specific dates vary each year.

Q: What if I don't have a Birth Certificate or Report Card for my child?

A: You MUST have a Birth Certificate for your child to play Tackle or Flag Football. Report Cards can be turned in when the last one is recieved after school is out. This report card will tell which grade your child is going into.

Q: How much does it cost to play?

A: This varies from year to year based on uniform expense and operating costs. Tigerball registration fee will include their jersey t-shirt. Fall flag football registration fee will include their top and bottom game day uniform. Tackle football registration fee will include game day jersey, game day pants, helmet and shoulder pads. Cheer registration fee will depend on a first year cheerleader or returning cheerleader. 

Q: When are practices and games?

A: Practices will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays until games start. They will never be on Wednesday or Sunday. Games with FYFL for flag, tackle and cheer are on Saturdays.  There will be a potential week night game during playoffs or make-up game

Q: When do practices and games start? 

A: Tigerball starts in April.

Flag and tackle practice usually starts at the end of June for conditioning with games starting the weekend after Labor Day in September and goes through early November.

Cheer practice usually starts in July/August with games the same date as tackle.

Q: What if we will be gone for vacation in the summer and my child misses a week?

A: That is perfectly fine. Just let your coach know that your child will be absent.

Q: How old does my child have to be to play?

A:Fall flag football is open to rising 4K and 1st grade only.

2G tackle is for rising 1st and 2nd grade.

4G takle is for rising 3rd and 4th grade.

6G is for rising 5th and 6th grade. 

Cheer starts for girls going into 4K and goes through 6th grade.

Q: Will my child have to do any fundraisers?

A: Yes, all the kids do some type of fundraising. This changes from season to season.

Q: How can I volunteer?

A: Please see our volunteer page for more information.